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发表于 2018-8-11 15:30:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Point 4 of Annex II describes the technical documentation. The technical documents must enable the assessment of the conformity of the product with the requirements of the Directive. The documentation must cover:
【1】a general description of the product; 产品的总体描述
【2】a conceptual design and manufacturing drawings;概念设计和制造图纸
【3】schemes of components, sub-assemblies, circuits, etc.;部件构成方案,子组件,电路
【4】descriptions and explanations necessary for the understanding of said drawings and schemes and the operation of the product;描述和必要的理解图、计划和产品操作
【5】a list of the standards referred to in Article 5, applied in full or in part, and descriptions and explanations of the solutions adopted to meet the essential requirements of the Directive where such standards referred to in Article 5 have not been applied or do not exist;
【6】results of design calculations made, examinations carried out, etc.;
【7】test reports.测试报告
The manufacturer or their authorised representative established in the European Community is requested to keep copies of the technical documentation for a period of 10 years after the last product has been placed on the market.技术文件保存到最后的一款产品投放后10年
What about information for the user? See article 6.3 of the Directive, and its language regime which depends on national regimes.
Any potential restrictions or requirements for authorisation of use of the radio equipment in certain Member States shall be marked in order to alert the user.


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